Monday 16 November 2015


I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome approximately 7 years ago.  I was the last of my group of friends to my period at 16 years old.  I never seemed to have a regular cycle and I always had heavy and painful periods when they did arrive.  I was always a thin teenager, active in swimming and then karate with no other health complaints.

I was put on the pill at 17 which regulated me and seemed to help with flow and pain.

At 21 years old I split up with my boyfriend at the time and decided to come off the pill.  14 months passed without a period.  I started dating my now husband and went back on the pill.  With the 14 month gap in the back of my mind I decided I better take some steps to see what was going on.  I was referred to a gynecologist and sent for testing.

An internal ultrasound revealed I had cysts on my ovaries and the diagnosis was delivered to me so blasé that I cried all the way back to work.  I scheduled my appointment with my gynecologist to get my results and was told to stay on the pill and given a small booklet with minimal information to go home with.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a condition in which a woman’s levels of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are out of balance. This leads to the growth of ovarian cysts (benign masses on the ovaries). PCOS can cause problems with a women’s menstrual cycle, fertility, cardiac function, and appearance.

Polcystic ovary syndrome is a condition in women characterized by irregular or no menstrual periods, acne, obesity, and excess hair growth. PCOS is a disorder of chronically abnormal ovarian function and hyperandrogenism (abnormally elevated androgen levels).

Just remember that you don’t have to fit the above text book symptoms to have PCOS.  I am neither overweight nor have acne or excess hair growth.  My only symptom is irregular or non-existent periods.